
Room Alert

Made in USA

IoT for Smart City

Temperature, humidity and current monitoring.

Detection of smoke, fire, air flow (ventilation), flood, water / fuel level in the tank, access.

Email notifications, Email to SMS, SMS, Website, Light and audio signals.

Cloud data history, accessible anytime, from anywhere, using any device type: SmartPhone, SmartWatch, SmartTV, Tablet, Notebook or PC.

Delivery from stock. Guarantee. Technical support.


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Users: Unlimited Server Room Alert: 100 Data history: 2 years Configured alerts: 150 Saved reports: 50 Firmware downloads Software: Device discovery, Device Manager, Device Manager PlugIns Duration: 1 year.
10.926,81 RON incl tax 10.925,86 RON incl tax

Room Alert 32S-Server monitoring temperature, humidity, current

Server for monitoring temperature, humidity, current, energy consumption, floods, smoke, fire, access, etc ... Internal sensors: temperature, humidity, current. External sensors (included in the basic package): Digital sensor for active power and temperature, Digital temperature sensor with a length of 25 feet (7.62 meters). Software included: Device ManageR Software, One year free upgrade to account. 8 ports for external temperature or temperature and humidity sensors. 16 ports for external sensors: smoke, flood, current, movement, open door, air flow, water level. 2 ports for analog current sensors, relay (switch), signal tower. 1 10/100 ethernet port; Mount in a 19 '' rack. POE (Power Over Ethernet). Mini UPS. Web interface for administration (https). Email notifications (SSL / TLS). SNMP V1 and V2 (soon V3). Made in USA.
7.093,84 RON incl tax 7.093,22 RON incl tax Enterprise Account

Users: Unlimited Room Alert Servers: 50 History date: 1 year Configured alerts: 75 Saved reports: 25 Firmware downloads Software: Device discovery, Device Manager, Device Manager PlugIns Duration 1 year.
5.175,71 RON incl tax 5.175,25 RON incl tax

Room Alert 32E-Server monitoring temperature, humidity, current

Server for monitoring temperature, humidity, current, energy consumption, floods, smoke, fire, access, etc... Internal sensors: temperature, humidity, current. External sensor (included in the basic package): Digital sensor for temperature and humidity. 1 basic account. 8 ports for external temperature or temperature and humidity sensors. 16 ports for external sensors of: smoke, flood, current, movement, open door, air flow, water level. 2 ports for analog current sensors, relay (switch), signal tower. 1 10/100 ethernet port; Mounting in a 19" rack. POE (Power Over Ethernet). Mini UPS. Web interface for administration (HTTP only). Email notifications (Does not support email servers with TLS/SSL authentication). SNMP. Made in USA.
5.059,32 RON incl tax 4.553,39 RON incl tax

Room Alert 12SR-Server monitoring temperature, humidity, current

Server for monitoring temperature, humidity, current, energy consumption, floods, smoke, fire, access, etc ... Internal sensor: temperature. External sensor (included in the basic package): Digital sensor for active power and temperature. Software included: Device ManageR Software, One year free upgrade to account. 3 ports for external temperature or temperature and humidity sensors. 4 ports for external sensors: smoke, flood, current, movement, open door, air flow, water level. 1 relay port (switch). 1 signal tower port (light tower adapter required). 1 10/100 ethernet port; Mount in a 19 '' rack. POE (Power Over Ethernet). Web interface for administration. Email notifications. SNMP. Web interface for administration (https). Email notifications (SSL / TLS). SNMP V1 and V2 (soon V3). Made in USA.
4.042,72 RON incl tax 4.042,37 RON incl tax

Room Alert Manager

Room Alert Manager, creat de echipa AVTECH, este soluția pentru gestionarea locală a serverelor, senzorilor și accesoriilor Room Alert. Acest software asigură descoperirea, managementul, monitorizarea, alertarea și acțiunea automată a produselor de monitorizare a mediului Room Alert și este disponibil pentru descărcare pentru utilizatorii Room Alert de pe nivelul Professional sau superior.
2.587,71 RON incl tax 2.587,48 RON incl tax
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